
Professor Dr. Karl Auerswald
Karl Auerswald is a soil scientist and professor at TU München. His research focuses on landscape- and regional-scale pattern-process relationships, including empirical and modelling studies of landscape hydrology, soil erosion and nutrient dynamics. He uses stable isotopes as indicators of ecosystem processes.

Dr. Meri Eichner
Meri Eichner is a researcher at Institute of Microbiology CAS, Centre Algatech. Her research is focused on the physiology of marine phytoplankton, and on how this is affected by changes in their environment. In her work, she uses stable isotope analysis to characterize photosynthesis, carbon acquisition and N2 fixation at bulk and single-cell level.

PD Dr. Thorsten Grams
Thorsten Grams is a plant ecophysiologist and group leader at the Lehrstuhl für Ökophysiologie der Pflanzen at Technische Universität München. His research focus is on the controls of C metabolism (photosynthesis, allocation, respiration) of trees under biotic and abiotic stress (including competition, pathogens, ozone and CO2). He uses natural stable isotope signatures and isotopic tracers in studies of physiological mechanisms at the plant and ecosystem level.

Dr. Jiří Kubásek
Jiří Kubásek is a researcher at Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice, Czech Republic. His research is focused mainly on the physiology of C4 plants, bryophytes, plant cuticle and stomata. He uses bulk (EA-IRMS) and compound specific (GC-IRMS) stable isotope analysis to characterize photosynthesis, assimilate allocation, cuticle permeability and regeneration in vascular plants, bryophytes and fungal-algal symbioses. He is also operating GC-IRMS system at Department of Experimental Plant Biology.

Dr. Travis Meador
Travis has expertise in state-of-the-art techniques in both analytical chemistry and molecular biology to characterize the bulk chemical, functional group, and isotopic composition of physiologically and environmentally relevant molecules (i.e., biomarkers) found in natural organic matter and cultured organisms stemming from all three domains of life (i.e., Eukarya, Bacteria, and Archaea). His research has focused on biogeochemical cycles in the surface and deep oceans, as well as in estuaries, inland waters, and sediments.

PD Dr. Andreas Rossmann
PD Dr. Andreas Rossmann, isolab GmbH, manager of the Laboratory of Stable Isotopes in Schweitenkirchen. He and his team is mainly but not only working on the geographical origin assignment of food and food products by multi-element stable isotope analysis of different food compounds.

Professor Dr. Hana Santruckova
Hana Santruckova is a professor of soil microbiology and ecology and head of the Department of Ecology and Hydrobiology at the University of South Bohemia (Budweis, Czech Republic). She has been focused on microbial C and N transformations in the soil. She uses carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes as a tool for studying C and N fluxes in plant-soil system.

Professor Dr. Jiri Santrucek
Jiri Santrucek is a professor and head of the Department of Plant Physiology at the Faculty of Sciences, University of South Bohemia. His research interest is in photosynthesis and water relations of terrestrial plants. In recent years he is applying stable isotope techniques in his research.

Dr. Rudi Schäufele
Rudi Schäufele is the manager of the stable isotope facilities of Technische Universität München at Weihenstephan. These facilities include three modern isotope ratio mass spectrometer systems for a large range of applications, including oxygen, hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen isotope measurements of organic and inorganic materials in volatile, liquid and solid form, and continuous 13CO2/12CO2 gas exchange measurements.

Professor Dr. Hans Schnyder
Hans Schnyder is head of the Chair of Grassland Science at Technische Universität München. His research interests are in the physiology of grassland plants and ecosystems. He has maintained a long-lasting interest in stable isotope methodology and applications for studies of the physiology and ecology of organisms and ecosystems.