Visit of Prof. Dr. Lars Wegner (Foshan University, China) at Crop Physiology presenting on "Some Underrated Traits Conferring Salinity Tolerance in Plants”.
B-deficiency on oilseed rape, Freising, 2024
Visit of Roberto Sitia (Prof. of Molecular Biology in the Division of Genetics and Cell Biology, Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy) at Crop Physiology to discuss plant and mammalian “peroxiporins”.
BayKlimaFit2 Closure Conference, Group picture, Munich, Germany
ISRR Conference, Leipzig, Germany
ISRR Conference, Leipzig, Germany
Manganese meets Boron; Prof. E. Peiter (MLU; Chair of Plant Nutrition) visited the Crop Pyhsiology lab
Peroxides meet AQPs on the Ritten – Prof. Markus Schwarzländer (Univ. Münster) & Prof. Patrick Bienert (TUM)
Members of the Crop Physiology group at the Poppelsdorfer Schloss in Bonn for the annual meeting of the German Society of Plant Nutrition (die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung e.V.)
Jiline Tölle presenting work on variation in combined boron and water efficiency in Brassica napus
Ariel Tasca presenting research on the role of root hairs in maize water and phosphorus uptake
Thomas Alcock presenting research on boron efficiency adaptations in Arabidopsis thaliana
Xi Chen presenting work on a multi-omics analysis of pea responses to boron deficiency
Participants of the 2024 German Society of Plant Nutrition conference gathered in front of the Poppelsdorfer Schloss in Bonn
Professoren Treff der Baumann Gonser Stiftung, Weihenstephan 2024; Talk Prof. Bienert: „Blick über den Zaunpfahl, nach Weihenstephan ...“
DGP Conference, Hohenheim, Germany
Happy Boron Conference, Hohenheim, Germany
Happy Boron Conference, Group picture, Hohenheim, Germany
100 years BORON, Happy Boron Conference, Hohenheim, Germany
IWPMB Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
DGP Conference, Raithenhaslach, Germany
Visit of Prof. Dr. Jiang Feng Ma and Dr. Sheng Huang